4D Analytics

Side by Side Comparison (2x1)

Last updated: July 10, 2020

Widget size: 2 x 1

This widget compares two different data points. It is visually strong, and is a good way of comparing points to see how they are performing against one another.

Configuration options include changing the bar colours and displaying multiple Y-axes to make the data more coherent when points of data with different units are used.

When in the year view, clicking on a bar will take you to a view of that month’s specific data broken down by day. Clicking on a bar in this view will take you to a view of that day’s data broken down by hour. Clicking again will take you back to year view.

Clicking on the arrows above the bar chart will take you to the previous/next period, depending on the view you are currently in.

Clicking on the ‘View Charts’ icon will take you to a drill down displaying the latest data as a line graph.


Value Default Comment
Widget Heading Side By Side Comparison Enter the name of the widget as it is to appear in the heading.
Colour x (x2) Select colour for respective point.
Summary x (x2): SUM Select what summary the data should be: AVG/MAX/MIN/SUM/COUNT
Multiple Axis On Off Turn on multiple axis if points are different units.
Point x Heading (x2) This changes the heading of the respective point.
Startup View Year Select default view for when widget is loaded. Year/Month/Day.
Drilldown multipleCharts.jsp A drilldown to Multiple Charts or Comparison Chart will take the user to the last 7 days of data irrespective of the date being viewed in the widget. Specify the Comparison Chart URL (comparisonChart.jsp) or the Single Charts URL (multipleCharts.jsp)
Y Axis Label None Choose the label on the Y axis.
Refresh Period No widget refresh Select a refresh period from the drop down menu from between 15 seconds to 1 hour, or no refresh at all


Drag and drop the required points for the respective comparison points from the tree.